this is my favourite soft toy... and it has a name
it's name is hooli mooli ^^ (mama always call it wooli wooli ><)
and it is going to be 4years old this coming august
why is it so special?
because... it is the ever first soft toy from papa (from what i remember)
when i was a kid, papa never bought any soft toy for us
but... when i was 15 that year he went london
he bought soft toy for us instead of giving us pounds...
but i love it! very very much...
whenever i go... i will bring it along
yes... even when i was in NS!!

as you can see it is hanging on the door knob
this is of course also from papa...
we think that he falls in love on buying us soft toys
hugo is 2 years old this year
papa bought this when he went for apec at vietnam in 2006

well again... it is also from papa
he bought this last year when he went to australia
two two is forever 24/7 in my car
well if you have a chance to sit my car
try to search for two two... hehe
but do not think that you can find two two
at the back seats
well two two is a koala bear
so find at some extraordinary place ^^
well... i wonder what papa will bring back this time...
he is now at ishykawa, komatsu...
could it be soft toys again?? or should i ask him to buy kimono?? ^^
we shall see tomorrow
nah... anything will do... as long as it is from papa... im happy already~~~
he is now at ishykawa, komatsu...
could it be soft toys again?? or should i ask him to buy kimono?? ^^
we shall see tomorrow
nah... anything will do... as long as it is from papa... im happy already~~~