Sunday, January 31, 2010


a girl walked pass this shop one day
and saw this pretty dress she would love to have
but she hasnt get her pay cheque yet
so she was thinking...
"hmm.. i shall get myself that dress on the day i get my pay"
so, without a second thought she just walk away

a few days later after she get her pay
she went to that shop and get so excited
'coz she had get herself ready mentally physically monetary
to buy that dress she would die for

but guess what?
the dress has been sold to another customer.
and there ain't anything left for the girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm.yaya.agree.when it comes to oppurtunity dis kind of thing, better act fast when chances are given.dun later regret in the future.我很讨厌做事拖泥带水的人,不成熟。-zefen