Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
yippie!! ^^
at first im kinda sad because i've prepared to present in class
but she called the other to present first
i wanna present first. T.T so that after that i will have nothing to worry on
but nevermind. at the end i do it in her room.
she was nice to me. no question for me. kinda relief now. hee
but sad also because thanks to nehal (my ex-boyfriend LOL)
we need to complete another extra assignment.
and that extra assignment worth only 2marks.
so pointless. with or without that 2marks...
it makes no different.
and finals are coming soon. real soon. left only 2-3weeks.
and i havent really started doing my revision!!
i think i better start now. (or wait for next week la heh?)
ah~~ almost forgotten. i still have french presentation this thursday!!
i wanna go back SEREMBAN la~~~~~~~
Saturday, April 18, 2009
friday and saturday
did you know what time i reach seremban?
3.57am. and please do not think that i wake up at 2am and drive back
i was awake since friday 7am until saturday 4am
i went for BBQ yesterday with all the world debate oc
and after that we went for dreambox
and it's already 11pm at that time
what is more is that they even ask us to go yamcha after karaoke
OMG. i have to drive back seremban. so i just send yi yong back to ixora
and go back seremban together with hoon shi. it's 2.45am that time
and surprisingly i use only 45minutes to reach seremban exit
i sent hoon shi back to bukit galena and went home safely
all the streets are like empty.. no car at all!! first time in seremban
mum was surprise that i came back so early
she asked me what is the time but i just act stupid and ignore that question
because i dont want her to worry. haha
and guess what time i wake up today..
7am. and i thought it's already 8am
yea. due to what i've gone through recently. i was quite worry that i will be late
so i get up and prepare and drive to senawang giant to meet up IRSHAD
we want to take photos of seremban for our french presentation
but i was so hungry. and you know la when you didnt get enough of sleep...
food is what can satisfy you ^^
so i went to mcdonald and buy my breakfast
who knows when irshad reach giant he said that he wants to eat mcbreakfast too
haha. we should have said to meet up at mcdonalds instead of giant
anyway after breakfast i drive to his house and park my car there
and then only i found out that he's house is very near to my house
then after that off we go visit around seremban
2 serembans visit seremban =.=
we went to the state library (the previous 1),
lake garden where we walked like hell because the garden is so damn bloody big
and i was afraid that there is crocodile or alligator in the lake =.=,
state mosque where irshad almost stepped on a little tiny snake,
ktm, terminal 1 & 2,
church of visitation, quil, state museum, jusco, state court
we went all these places are just to take photos
and of course when we were at jusco we went to starbuck and buy drinks and chat there
haha. actually it only takes less than 5minutes to take the photo
but we ended up staying there for 1hour plus
and i met some friends there
ok. that's all for today. i wanna take my lunch now. hungry~
and after that i shall act like a dead body. sleep as long as i like. yeah!
bonne journee
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
HAHAHAHAHA i hope you will laugh like this
as usual. i drove to campus. i parked my car at the student carpark.
i walked to the lif and reached 3rd floor.
so i entered my calss. CLC R 3013.
once i entered the class. first thing that popped into my mind.
"wow. everyone is so punctual. it's not time yet and they are already here."
but... everyone is looking at me.
"hmm.. something is wrong.."
so i faster get a seat.
ME: eh. why is everyone looking at me?
SF: coz class finished.
ME: what? im only late for 5minutes. (look at my watch and suddenly i realised class start at 9am)
!@##%#%^ i thought class start at 10am! what's wrong with me.
my mind set the time that i have to leave home at 9.30am @.@ and reach campus punctual
i didnt woke up late today. i woke up at 8am. i have enough time to get ready and go for class.
hahahaha. i wonder what's wrong with me. seriously. im kinda blur nowadays.
that similar situation happened during my contract law mid term exam.
i know the exam is only 1hour and i have 2 part of question need to be answered. it starts at 10am and ends at 11am.
and what happen is i can still tell myself "ok. do 1st question until 1045." =.= "you will have extra 15 min for part b."
and that really happened. and i used 15min for my part b during the exam. @#$%! btw i failed that paper. get 13/30.
ok. that's all for now. hope you enjoy laughing at me.
Monday, April 13, 2009
my confirmation on easter sunday
why is good friday being named as good friday?
eventually.. it is not.. that's the worst friday of a year
and why is that sunday is called easter sunday?
why is that saturday has no special name?
in fact.. that saturday is the day the disciples suffer the unbearable pain
we cannot imagine the pain as we have known the result
Jesus has risen from death..
and there shall be no more fear for us
congratulations to me.. ^^
Friday, April 10, 2009
it's all about french.
Un jour, je vais à l’école. Je suis en retard pour la classe de français. Je gare ma voiture et me précipite pour la classe.
Après classe…
H: Veux-tu déjeuner ?
G: Je veux le Wilson Chicken Rice.
H: Ok, allons-y.
G : Où est ta voiture ?
H : Elle est dans le parking.
(G et H marchent au parking et cherchent voiture)
H : Je me rappelle le parc d’I ma voiture ici.
G : Ahh ! Tu as perdu ta voiture !!! Es-tu sûr ta voiture est ici ?
H : Oui ! Elle est ici. Pourquoi n’est-elle pas ici ? Ce n’est pas grave. C’est juste une voiture.
G : Non, nous devons las trouver.
(Marcher du parking pour trouver la voiture)
H : Elle est perdu !
Q : Bonjour ! Je suis Q. Puis-je vous aider ?
G : Mon ami a perdu sa voiture.
Q : Quel modèle est votre voiture ?
G : Ferrari ! Elle est une voiture très chère.
Q : Très chère. Quelle est la couleur de votre voiture ?
G : Elle est rouge.
Q : Quel est le numéro du matricule de la voiture ?
G : Err… Hey, quel est le numéro du matricule de ta voiture ? Je ne sais pas.
H : Ferrari 77. Oublie la voiture. J’ai faim.
G : Elle est une voiture !
H : Oui, elle est juste une voiture.
Q : Néanmoins avez-vous besoin de mon aide ?
H : Non.
G : Oui !
Q : Oui ou non ? Veuillez ne pas perdre mon temps. Êtes-vous sûr vous de garez votre voiture ici ? Est-ce possible vous garez votre voiture en dehors de campus ?
G : Réfléchis bien.
H : Ok. Je me rappelle maintenant.
G : Où garez-vous votre voiture ?
H : Je la gare extérieur campus. Allons-y. Partons et mangeons. J’ai faim.
cant understand eh?? that's my french drama.
basically we sound like french and pro. miss nolwenn like it.
but we dont really know what we are saying. XD
it's abit rush actually. when we entered the classroom. it's already our turn to present.
yea. we haven't sit down yet. but she let us rest a while then only present.
we were so scared because kat said that miss was angry with those who came late.
but luckily her mood is great that night. hee.
finally. now just left the french presentation.
yup. it's all about french. wish me luck.
p/s:marie isabella katherine jennifer jenny. bila u mau bincang tu?
mana video tu yang kau tangkap tadi? jgn kau post kat youtube tu. i warn u.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
during the tutorial...
"you all haven't started? you all wanna die ah?"
personally like this line very much.
at least it makes me laugh LOL
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009